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Everest Base Camp via Lhasa

Overview Itinerary Map Cost Include/Exclude Gallery FAQ Review



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B, L, D


Flight, Car & Jeep


2-20 People



Everest Base Camp via Lhasa

Under the boundless sky, on vast plains, cows and sheep’s can be seen when the wind blows and grass lowers.

This trip will take you to unfold the key Tibetan hinterland culture, will enjoy the meet of blue sky and white clouds.

You may feel the spiritual distillation created by potala palace, Jokhang temple, Drepung monastery, sera monastery, Pakyu monastery and Tashi Lunpo monastery. And also you could enjoy the visual feast brought by holy Lake Yamdro Yong Tso, Karula glacier, Gyangtse the heroic city and the world’s number one peak –Mount Everest.


Day 01: Kathmandu arrival.

Upon you arrival to Kathmandu, our company representative will receive you from airport and drop you to the hotel. Overnight stay at hotel in Kathmandu

Day 02: Kathmandu sightseeing.

Today after breakfast, we will start our sightseeing tour around Kathmandu city. We will be visiting Pashupatinath temple (sacred temple), Swayambhunath stupa (monkey temple) and Budhanilkantha temple (sleeping Vishnu). Back to hotel, overnight stay at hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 03: Flight from Kathmandu to Lhasa (3650 meters elevation / 48 kilometers)

When you arrive in Lhasa by flight, the tour guide and vehicle from our company will be there before your arrival time, and ready to pick you up from the station. Gong Ga airport is located in the south of Lhasa, the distance is about 48 kilometers from Lhasa city, and it will take probably one hour for you to reach the hotel.
This airport is the highest- altitude international airport in the world. If you travel by train, the station is inside the city. When you arrive at the hotel, we recommend you to take a day off to adjust the high plateau climate. To perfectly adjust the high plateau climate, we recommend you to have a nice sleep at the hotel.

Day 04: Trip to Lhasa- Potala Palace, Jokhang temple, Parkhor Street.

After breakfast, we will depart from the hotel, and driving toward Potala Palace. When you get off the car, you must prepare to accept the challenge of climbing up over one hundred steps of Potala Palace. Potala Palace initially was built by Tubo king Songzan Ganpo in seven century A.D., but the current scale was enlarged by fifth Dalai Lama during 17th century. It has thirteen floors in height, over one thousand rooms, it was divided into white and red palace. Right after lunch, you will visit Jokhang temple. It is the oldest temple in Tibet, was built by King Songzan Ganpo in seven century A.D. It mainly worships the twelve years Shakyamuni Buddha statue brought by princess Wencheng from capital city Chang An in Tang dynasty. When you are walking around the Parkhor street, the breeze sweeping over your face, as if it was chanting the love poetry of sixth Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyaltso, “When I live in the Potala Palace I am the biggest king of Tibet, but when I am wandering around the streets of Lhasa, I am the most famous poet in the whole world”.

Day 05: Trip to Lhasa- Drepung monastery, Sera monastery

After breakfast, we will visit Drepung monastery, it is one of the six grand monasteries of Gelukpa Buddhist sect. It is located inside a south slope on the Gamboo Utse Mountain, about ten kilometers of the western suburb of Lhasa city. It was established in 1416 by Jamyang Chuje Tashi Paden, the disciple of the Great Master Tsongkapa, founder of the Gelukpa sect. It is the largest monastery among all the monasteries in Tibet. The monastery owns 141 manors and 540 ranches, Sera monastery, the full name is “Sera Mahayana Monastery”, and it is one of the six grand monasteries of Gelukpa Buddhist sect. Along with Drepung and Gandan monastery, they are known as “three grand monasteries in Lhasa”. Sera was the latestly built among the three monasteries. We will visit Sera monastery after having lunch, it is located on the Sera Utse Mountain, three kilometers in the northern suburb of Lhasa city. The monastery is surrounded by willows, it was the preaching site of the highly realized abbots since the ancient time, and there are many smaller monasteries in the surrounding area. There are Pubu Jue monastery, Michung Re nunnery, Gongba Sa monastery, Papung Kha monastery, Tashi Chue Ling monastery, Chu Sang monastery, Ga Li nunnery in eastern and southern side. Behind the monastery there are Drup Khang retreat cave, Sera Chu Ding monastery is slightly smaller than Drepung monastery.

Day 06: Lhasa-Gyangtse-Shigatse (3850 meters elevation/370 kilometers)

According to local legend, a maiden fairy left the Heaven and became the lake Yamdro Yongtso on earth. In Tibetan it means “Jasper Lake”, it is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet, the shape of the lake looked like a coral branch, therefore, in Tibetan language, it is also named “the coral lake from heaven”. The surface waves of the lake looks like a green jade mirror, there has been plenty of water and lush grass at the lakeside. It is indeed a fertile high plateau ranch. The local Tibetan people praised the lake by folk song lyrics as follow: “the paradise above the sky, the Yamdro Lake on earth, the clusters of stars above the sky, the cattle and sheep at the lakeside”. When you depart from Yamdro Lake and stride over simila mountain pass which is 4330 meters in altitude, you then arrive under the glacier of Karola glacier.
At the front of the glacier, the altitude is 5560 meters above sea level, in the northern side of the mountain pass you could visit the Karola glacier comfortably.

Day 07: Shigatse-Everest Base Camp (5225 meters elevation/310 kilometers)

The Mount Everest, 8844.4 meters in height, it is the highest peak in the world. The top of the mountain is located in the border of Nepal and China, the southern slope is located in Sakya Marta special district of Nepal. The northern slope is located in Tingri country, TAR, P.R. China. It is one the ten most beautiful and shocking famous mountains in China.
According to the myth, Mount Everest is residential palace of five longevity goddess. Sakya Marta, in Nepalese language, means “the goddess of the heaven”.

Day 08: Everest Base Camp-Shigatse

Shigatse city is located in the southwestern past of Tibet, the interchange site of Yarlong Zangpo River and Nyang Qu River, it is currently the second largest city in Tibet.
It has charming natural sight spots, as well as the Tsang life style, it has also been hailed as “the most wish-fulfilling and beautiful garden”. This place is preaching place of all the successive Panchen Lama, the famous Tashi Lunpu monastery. Shigatse has beautiful natural scenes and abundant places of historic figures and cultural heritages. The famous Mount Everest, mutually enhanced holy mountains, holy lakes, prairies, mysterious ancient temples and Tsang style customs and habits.

Day 09: Shigatse-Lhasa (3650 meters elevation/275 kilometers)

Before you depart from Shigatse city, you will visit the famous Tashi Lunpu monastery, so you must get ready before 9:00 am in the morning. Once you have done visiting the last scene in Shigatse, we will drive to Lhasa along the riverside of Yarlong Zangpo. Yarlong Zangpo River, it is the longest high plateau river in China, and is located within the Tibet Autonomous Region. The river is also the highest-altitude river in the whole world. It is originated from Jema Yangzom glacier on the northern slope of Himalaya Mountain, the southwestern part of Tibet. The upstream of the river is called Horse Spring River, it traverses south part of Tibet from west to the east. It will turn to the southern direction after bypassing the Namche Barwar peak-the eastern tip of the Himalaya Mountain. Finally the river exists the China boarder after going through Bashika.

Day 10: Fly back to Kathmandu

Today we will fly back to Kathmandu, the place from where we started our beautiful journey. Overnight stay at hotel in Kathmandu

Day 11: Final departure.

Today our company representative will drop you to the airport for your final departure. We wish you have a safe journey home .

Cost Include
Cost Exclude
  • Airport pickup and drop
  • 02 night Hotel accommodation in Kathmandu
  • Hotel accommodation in Lhasa
  • All meals during the trip
  • All necessary paper works and trekking permits
  • An Tibetan English speaking guide

Price Per Person

US $0

  • No. of People

    Price per Person

Select Date
Fixed Departure Dates

No. of Guests

$0 x 1


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